Flowers in the Vase Oil Paintings (Set of 2 paintings)
"Flowers in the Vase Oil Paintings" capture the delicate beauty and vibrant colors of floral arrangements with masterful brushstrokes. The first painting features a bouquet of soft pink flowers in a simple, clear vase, set against a dark, textured background that highlights the delicate petals and lush green stems. The play of light and shadow adds depth and realism, making the flowers almost lifelike.
The second painting showcases a more vibrant and airy composition, with bright yellow flowers in a tall, slender vase. The background is a blend of pastel shades, creating a light and cheerful atmosphere. The subtle reflections on the vase and the interplay of colors give the painting a fresh and lively feel.
Both paintings demonstrate a keen eye for detail and a deep appreciation for the natural beauty of flowers, making them exquisite additions to any art collection.
*Size: 7"x 10" and 6.8"x 10"
*Original Handmade oil paintings on paper by brush.
*Made by me - Indrani Ghosh. This is not a copy or a print.
*Signature on the back.
To hang this painting on the wall you will need a frame.
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